×The USGBC/GBCI office is closed from Dec. 25, 2024, to Jan 5, 2025, and will reopen on Jan. 6, 2025.

Colgate-Palmolive Palmira Distribution Center (CADI), Colombia

Palmira, Valle del Cauca
Certification level: 
Percent of Overall Diversion Achieved: 
Facility Size: 
362,636 sq. ft.
Type of Operation: 
Distribution Center
Project Owner: 
Project Overview: 

The need to take care of our environment and comply with the zero solid waste policies of Colgate globally; aligned with the priorities and global sustainability strategy which are aimed at caring for people, caring for the environment and natural resources. As actions of these strategies we find the incorporation of recycled materials into the packaging, 100% recyclable packaging, reaching zero waste of water resources, supporting the change from renewable energies and the zero waste certification by the GBCI (Green Business Certification Inc.) To achieve the zero waste certification, the warehouse staff was key, emphasizing the need to improve our relationship with the environment. Not only the personnel of the operational part, but the integration between purchases, administration, suppliers and operation. One of the first actions was to strengthen the culture of the 3R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and for this, all the means of communication available to the winery were used (televisions, billboards, publications). Staff were also trained in good waste classification, strategies such as contests to reinforce the culture of improving their classification, and projects of different alternatives to reduce or change usable waste. Among other actions to achieve the reduction, the digitalization and reduction of the use of paper (paperless) program was also implemented. With this, it was possible to reduce 50% of the use of paper in the offices, not only double-sided printing was used, but also the migration to digital formats and the elimination of those that were not required. The change of the stretch tape for velcro tapes in the pallets helped to reduce the generation of plastic and the reuse of the plastic corners reduced cardboard waste. Wood reduction was also achieved by remanufacturing and repairing on-site pallets and using yard waste as compost. The reuse strategy was achieved with the redesign of the operation that allows the reuse of waste from sub-processes such as cardboard corners, heel racks, plastic trays, velcro straps and air bags. Food waste and garden pruning were the raw material to take advantage of the generation of compost for crops; In turn, this compost created the idea of ​​implementing the orchard project, generating an alternative part of the staff's food and closing the circle of waste use. Finally, donations of good quality finished products, which have only had packaging problems, avoid being sent to incineration.

"For Colgate Palmolive Colombia, the TRUE Platinum level certification for the Palmira warehouse is a great and highly relevant achievement and we are committed to continuing with the improvement process to achieve absolute zero in waste management. Two premises were the basis for achieving the reduction of waste that ends up in a sanitary landfill at the Colgate Palmolive distribution center, Palmira headquarters (CADI): The need to take care of our environment and comply with the zero solid waste policies of Colgate globally; aligned with the priorities and global sustainability strategy which are aimed at caring for people, caring for the environment and natural resources. As actions of these strategies we find the incorporation of recycled materials into the packaging, 100% recyclable packaging, reaching zero waste of water resources, supporting the change from renewable energies and the TRUE certification from GBCI." - Jhon Jairo Torres, process engineer, EHS and warehouse quality for the Andean region.