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GSA TRUE Pilot at Fort Worth Federal Center

Fort Worth, Texas
Certification level: 
Percent of Overall Diversion Achieved: 
Facility Size: 
1.1 million square feet
Project Owner: 
Project Overview: 

GSA developed a net zero waste pilot to explore industry best practices and contracted with TRUE to conduct a 24 month pilot of the system. The intentions of this pilot were to identify and acknowledge federal facilities that are going above and beyond by implementing sustainable practices. It was also an opportunity to recognize facility management teams, custodial and maintenance contractors and federal tenants for their participation in waste management excellence. Ultimately, the pilot results were intended to support GSA’s implementation of Executive Order 13834 while enhancing the agency’s guiding principles for sustainable federal building program and performance.

Federal Tenants are engaged in diverting their solid waste by using the GSA diversion program through the custodial contractor as well as independently through their agency requirements in order to decrease local and regional pollution and decrease federal tax dollars.