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TRUE (Total Resource Use and Efficiency) is a certification program used by buildings, businesses, and communities to define, pursue and achieve zero waste goals through sustainable resource management and waste reduction practices, cutting their carbon footprint and supporting public health.  

Importantly, GBCI works with customers to make zero waste a manageable and practical goal. GBCI guides customers through small steps they can take to begin their zero waste journey and eventually work towards a goal of diverting all solid waste from the landfill, incineration and the environment. Businesses and facilities achieve TRUE certification when they meet an average of 90% or greater overall waste diversion over a period of 12 months.

TRUE-certified projects are making a difference.

Waste affects every part of our communities. It degrades our environment, causes undue burdens on underprivileged communities, releases toxins into nature and our bodies, contributes to climate change and costs business and municipalities billions to manage.

What’s the problem with waste?
On average, Americans produce 1,700+ pounds of waste per person every year
Only 1/3 of this waste is recycled or composted
Globally, solid waste generation is expected to increase 70% between now and 2050
Approx. 400K to 1 million deaths around the world each year are attributable to diseases caused by mismanaged waste

With warnings that global solid waste generation is expected to reach 3.4 billion tons annually by 2050, the challenge we face can seem daunting.

TRUE projects are helping confront this enormous challenge.

Business and facilities of all kinds, as well as communities, are seeking TRUE certification to help cut down on waste and save money. Customers include Sierra Nevada Brewing, Tesla, Best Buy, and Colgate-Palmolive.

Learn about other projects that have been TRUE-certified HERE.

What is TRUE?

Administered by Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI), TRUE is a zero waste certification program that helps businesses and facilities strive towards the end goal of diverting all waste from landfill, incineration (waste-to-energy) and the environment. GBCI is the world’s leading sustainability and health certification and credentialing body and is responsible for the market implementation of ratings systems (including the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED green building program and TRUE, and professional credentials like the LEED AP and TRUE Advisor.

Fast Facts About TRUE
288 registered and certified projects representing more than 108 million gross square feet of space.
Certified projects can be found in 15 countries and 35 U.S. states
Belgium, Colombia, India, Italy and South Africa celebrated their first TRUE certifications in 2019 and 2020.
There are 1,111 TRUE Advisors in 48 countries.

How does TRUE work?

By encouraging the adoption of sustainable resource management and waste reduction practices, TRUE certification goes beyond recycling and focuses on the upstream policies and practices and to prevent waste from being manufactured in the first place.

TRUE-certified spaces are environmentally responsible and achieve a minimum of 90% waste diversion.


It’s simple: to save money, and the environment.

TRUE creates opportunities for companies to reduce inefficiencies and costs.

And by managing waste, businesses can have a significant impact on carbon emissions. In addition, zero waste strategies can also impact emissions from landfills and excess truck hauling, find ways to utilize recycled content and overall reduce consumption.

Learn more about TRUE:

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